Sunday 27 November 2011

At Sea - Crossing the Equator - Nov 26, 2011

At the center point of the Earth, the Equator is also the center of the Tropics, the area lying between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, at 23 degrees 27” north and south of the equator. The climate in the in the tropics varies; some areas have heavy rainfall and others are very hot and dry. The Sun’s heat near the equator easily evaporates water from the oceans, so the hot tropical air is also very moist. This is why there are rain forests at the equator. Also at the equator, the Sun’s rays are unaffected by the tilt of the earth, so the area is always exposed to the sun and receives direct solar rays year-round, regardless of the season. The heat is most intense at sea level, but as you move to the mountains, it can get very cold. In fact, you might find snow at the equator.
Overseeing the equator is King Neptune (known in Greek mythology as Poseidon) and in the time-honoured seafaring fashion there was a ceremony on board to ensure safe passage. The festivities were marked by the appearance of King Neptune/Poseidon, Chief of the Water Deities. His symbol of power is the trident - a spear with three points on its head. He uses his staff to shatter rocks and call for or subdue storms. Neptune created the horse and upon these powerful creatures, with their brazen hoofs and golden manes, drew his chariot over the sea, which became smooth before him. So to not mess with the Gods the tradition of seafaring merrymaking honouring Neptune is performed so in return we may have safe passage and smooth waters. Any and all staff members from bow to stern who cross the equator for the first time must participate in this ceremony.

The Band plays 

 The Judge
 The Pollywogs are brought in and sent to the holding jail before they are brought to court to be presented to King Neptune. There charges are read, then they must kiss the fish (yes a real big ugly fish), then they get slimmed and then the jury either dunks them in the water or saves them to bake in the sun. At the end they all get dunked and the the pool is drained and cleaned. Lots of fun and great entertainment. Nothing like having your first drink of the day at 10:00.
 King Neptune arrives
 The Captain along with the ships officers are paraded in as a jury.
 The ruthless buccaneers are present
 Here's the fish...
Kiss the fish...
 Actually first read your charges, then kiss the fish.

 The aftermath, yes the pool is thoroughly cleaned after this event.
Just a fun day here in paradise, what they do to keep up entertained, well done.

Tip or Comment of the Day. Traditions are traditions and you just don’t mess with them because you never know and in this case you don’t mess with the Gods.

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