Thursday 2 December 2021

December 2, 2021: Bari, Italy

2,160 kilometres later and we have come full circle back to Bari. All in all our little Fiat 500X was the star that made this drive so enjoyable. It was the perfect size to negotiate many situations especially parking, we have rented bigger cars here in the past and they are just not worth the trouble. You are going to inevitably enter a village not really built or designed for cars and believe me this is where length and width can become an issue. The Fiat was no problem, I enjoyed going down some if these almost impossible little lanes. We fuelled up just before entering Bari, drove straight to the hotel, pulled up, early check in, dumped the luggage, reset the GPS for hertz and 10 minutes later we were dropping her off. On the way back we confirmed which track the Rome train was going to be on for tomorrow, number 3, and noticed that, of course, the elevator was currently, out of service - hope that gets fixed by tomorrow. Note, if you are challenged physically, Italy is not for you, tough to say but even though it looks like areas like curb ramps and elevators are here, someone will park something at that ramp and you can only cross your fingers that the elevators are in working order, just saying. Also, don’t wait until you get too old to do Italy, just don’t, just too much to see and you want to have energy to see what you came to see. This is of course if Italy is on your life’s list to see.

From the train station we strolled along the pedestrian only shopping area and stopped into a shoe store. An hour later we both had purchases, got to love Italian shoes and boots. With retail therapy over we had a little lunch before heading back to the hotel for our afternoon chill.

dinner tonight was a stroll back into the old historical centre and a great little restaurant we enjoyed dining at 2 weeks ago, R45. Pizza for me, lasagna for Jan with dessert of course, tiramisu and a pistachio cheesecake. A wonderful evening as we strolled back to our hotel in a warm breeze with the Christmas lights all lite up through the palm trees. A lively seaside city this Bara. Back at our hotel by midnight… Our adventure continues tomorrow as we head back to Roma… a few pics hope you enjoy…

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