Sunday 27 October 2024

October 23-24, 2024 - Seattle, USA

Packing is always a fun time at the end of a longer cruise. Let’s just say at 11pm I was still moving a pound here a pound there to get us at the 50lb mark on our two main suitcases. Our third case was already chocker block full (non expandable) at 40 pounds so it came down to the expandables. At the airport one was 50.6 while the other weighed in at exactly 50 pounds, ah… no penalty. Let’s go back to our last day first.

We very much enjoy taking part of the last day and captain presentation on the last day of a cruise, especially the longer cruises. It is always great to see the many crew that you get to know up on stage saying their goodbyes and that hopefully you see them soon on another Dam ship. At the end of the day, there are many reasons why we always return to HAL, it’s not only the smaller ships and itineraries but really is the crew, from the captain down. Captain Mark Trembling runs a great ship here on the Westerdam, he is one of the best if not the best in communicating events as they happen. Most of the guests on this cruise are experienced cruisers and instinctively know when something changes. This could be ship speed, wave action or demeanours of officers and crew etc.. On his next noon update, Captain Mark will talk about pretty much any and all issues. On this cruise this included amongst many other things but the threat of a possible typhoon, a couple of port and docking delays, to why the ship has still not been cleared, to a port that required tendering rather than docking. Great job to Captain Mark and his team.

Further on this, this is the healthiest ship we have cruised with, not sure if that relates to the protocol changes post Covid or that the cleaning regiment on this ship is just that good. We usually get a sniffle or something during a cruise but this time, nothing. Funny, after the hour flight home I now have some sinus issues, nothing serious but something I have to deal with.

Back to our last day. After the presentation it was time to do the first attempt at packing, two hours later it was tea time. Yup, we are hooked on the afternoon tea thing for sure. See, typically we have a late breakfast so the 3 o’clock time lines up nicely for our late lunch with the bonus of having great quantity control. Our dinner is usually at about 8pm, so again great timing. After tea time it’s time for our Trivia at 4pm then it’s time for our swim and hot tub before getting ready for dinner, which usually includes watching either the classical group, jazz trio or the billboard on board piano duo. Tonight in the main dining room we had the traditional crew parade to say thank you and goodbye one last time. 

Our bags did get out of our room on time but, we didn’t in the morning. Oh, we were up and about but dragged our heals as we had a 3pm flight. At 9:25am our phone rang, it was the front desk, “please disembark the ship, all colours and numbers have been called, we ask you to proceed to the gangway now”. Okay, time to go. We were pretty much the last off.

It’s always so easy to find your bags in the terminal when you do this, they are pretty much the only ones sitting there, lol. From this pier 91 in Seattle it’s a $60.00 flat rate taxi ride to the Seatac airport. Our only issue of the day is that it was 10:30 and our flight wasn’t until 3:10pm, so a little wait for us. Okay, we had 2 issues, our gate was at the S terminal (a train ride away). We arrived at the terminal and decided to have relaxing lunch and take our time. While there our gate changed to 6, okay, just around the corner from us. We got there at 2:30 for a 2:40 boarding time, all good right. Then they started calling for people to board this flight to Orange County at this Gate? We checked the text message, it is Gate A6, not S6, ah oh, drama time. We quickly gather our things and make our way to the Train and Terminal A and of course, gate 6 is a ways away, shoot. We arrive at gate 6 just as they call our boarding number 3, whew… Isn't it always the way you get to the airport 5 hour before your flight to almost miss it. Lol.

So on the boarding pass and the board it shows, 3:10 flight to land at 4:15, well the wheels left to ground at 3:35 and hit the tarmac in Vancouver at 4:05, so essentially a half hour flight. Lol.

It was a beautiful day in Vancouver when we arrived and after a $30.00 CDN Uber ride we were back our condo, nice. So, then the reality set it, I guess it’s a pizza night tonight…

Summary to come soon, some pics of our last days… hope you enjoy…

Time to say Goodbye…

One last Tea Time.

Our 4 o’clock Trivia Team, minus Susan. Mike, Susan, Ken and Lois.

Paulo picks out a special wine for our last bottle.

Our new Head Waiter makes us an anniversary napkin arrangement.

See you next time, Chef Daz…

Having some fun during the crew parade.

Almost home.

A few last pics of our special anniversary Signature Suite…

Hello Seattle 

Mount Baker from the plane.

Goodbye Westerdam, safe travels with fair winds and following seas.

Hello Vancouver 

Condo sunset…

Tuesday 22 October 2024

October 22, 2024 - At Sea

Yes, we are winding down as we adjust our clocks for the last time and are now in our home time zone. Highlights today include an ask the captain segment this morning, more on the weather (looks to be okay in Vancouver today), a Dutch dinner and an Orange Party. Let’s not forget the incredible sunset. Last day tomorrow which means packing… yikes.

A few pics of the day, hope you enjoy…

We thank Captain Mark for a wonderful Legendary Journey.

Today’s forecast, the concern was this storm band but we are north of it.

Party on…

October 21, 2024 - At Sea

Day 3 of 5 gave us a little rocking and rolling as we enter the weather systems that are typical of the mid latitudes this time of year. Today was a day of Mariner celebrations with the third and final group being recognized for their loyalty to what HAL has to offer. Today, 28 Presidents club members were recognized (1,400 sea days and invitation only club) as well as those receiving their 500 (silver) and 700 (gold) day medallions. Invited guests to this event were all the 5 star members (500 of a combination of days and credits). They did a great job in both the presentation and having some of the president’s club members strike a pose. It was nice to be in attendance to participate in celebration of some of the members we know.

After the formalities all were invited to the luncheon in the MDR (Main Dining Room) which included hosted tables, nice. We has the Safety Officer Emil from Bulgaria hosting our table. I only snapped a few pics.

After lunch we decided to use our freebie, Thermal Suite pass today (a 5 Star benefit) which was followed by 90 minute massages today, ah, bliss.

A very busy, not so busy sea day, 2 more to go. Yes, it’s also getting colder outside, brrr.

Like I mentioned, only a few pics, hope you enjoy…

Ken and Lois, new President Club Members.

Our Cruise and Travel Director, Karljin.

Ken and Lois with Hotel Director, Francois and Captain, Mark Trembling

President Club Members and cruise friends, Dave and Linda.

President Club Members, Bill and Ginger.


Time for some serious R and R.

Thank you to my Masseuse, Ramshang

We are getting there…