Friday 25 October 2013

Day 3 - Hong Kong

Today after our reunion with Jeff and Joy we headed off for a day on the Hong Kong side, beautiful and with Jeff usually becomes eventful. Let's start with Dim Sum, not my favorite food group but when in Rome as they say - just please do not tell me what I just ate, I know it taste like chicken. Then it was back to the message establishment, Jeff and I decided to book a session, he was having what Jan and I had the day before while I was having the full body message - I think I needed it. No pictures of course but I thought I would note the experience. We go into one of the treatment rooms, I look up and there on the ceiling is what looks like upside down gymnastic parallel bars, that's odd I think to myself. Cindy, my person, then hands me a nice soft T-shirt, undershorts and what looks like sweat gym shorts - she says in very (very) broken english, "put on". I didn't realize that I was going to be part of her gymnastic routine because she then tells me "up on table, face down". She then jumps on the table and uses my body as a balancing beam for the first 30 minutes of my 75 minute full body message. I have never been walked on before, I mean I have heard about this before but didn't really think about until then. All I can say is that when she dug her toes into my calves with her entire body weight I thought I was going to never walk again - this is supposed to be relaxing, not. Let's just say she worked out all my kinks and made me forget about the world for 75 minutes and that I will have to make another appointment when we return here next time.

It was a beautiful sail away with an amazing sunset, the last few pictures show our hotel and where I stood that morning when our ship came back in get us. Nice to be at our second home...

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