Africa sail away, pictured here with Florin
Stage manager, Emma and band bassist, Molly at sail away sunset
Closing the cruise out with the BB King band
Playwright Albert and wife Kate performing his play, “Words Matter”
Our most excellent cabin stewards, Wandi and Ketut
The wrap up, pictured here with Captain Smit.
One last Canaletto dinner with the wonderful, Jearmelyn
Time for a good ole Barn dance
The final Sunday brunch aboard the Zaandam with cruise friends.
The winner of the crew talent show , Plang from Thailand
Our fridge magnet collection from this cruise.
Our excellent dining room waiters, Ghilbert and Riswanto
Time to say goodbye.
The craziness of getting home, TSA line up in Denver
Snowy Vancouver
The sky train ride home.
Our first sunset coming home.
Our luggage arrived the next day, almost beating us home.
Thanks so much for sharing your travels. I enjoy reading your blog, which is always interesting and gives me tips for future trips. Happy New Year to you both!