Sunday 24 July 2016

July 23, 2016: At Sea, Inside Passage

After battling the head on 50 knot winds all night we are finally in the calm of the Inside Passage, ahhh. It is truly beautiful through here, calm and relaxing as we pack and close off our journey up and back to Seward, Alaska.

Fantastic mariner ceremony and lunch today a very nice cherry on the top ending to our trip. Had another nice chat with Captain Bos and the hotel director, Marc. Hopefully we will see them again on this or another Dam ship. Once again will be brief as uploading within my time remaining allowance could be an issue. Well it was an issue last night as my blog upload is still sitting in no mans lands, my time did run out without a successful transmission. Jean, our wonderful librarian on board readded my time from last night as it could have been an Internet issue from the strong winds (?). So if this or my upload from last night was unsuccessful I will repost tomorrow from home. Further within the next few days I will provide some pics of the ship's interior along with my usual cruise summary. For now, thanks for joining us on this journey, thank you for the many likes and comments on Facebook. For those of you following us on the blog and not on FB, the video uploads worked well in FB but blogspot would not allow me to post any video :(. I am writing this under the sunny skies on our balcony as we float through the passage, but won't post until our night comes to an tonight. 

A very nice wrap up in the dining room tonight with the twirling of the napkins after our final fantastic dinner. Listened to the fabulous BB King Blues Band and night capped it in the Piano Bar with the
amazingly talented Diane Fast. Packed up and got the bags outside our stateroom by 12:03, hmmm three minutes late, hopefully they will be gone by the morning. Wrap up to come, hope you enjoy today's pics...

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