Tuesday 29 January 2019

January 29 2019: At Sea - Chilean Fjord Cruising

6:10 this morning I look out and see glacier ice particles floating in the water, then I hear the announcement that we closing in on Brujo glacier, okay time to get up and out. Armed with the two cameras I head to the top deck as we float close to the Glacier, awesome. Click, Click, Click. We stay for about an half hour before we do a full turn and head out of the bay. To our surprise about 45 minutes later we come upon glacier number two of the day, Amalia - fantastic. Here they dropped a tender down to get a closer look and some ship photos and believe it or not a chunk of glacier ice, how cool is that, pun intended. On display, poolside all day.

A great day of scenic cruising down the various channels until we hit the Magellan Channel, named after Fernando Magellan as he found this to be a bit of a short cut so ships did not need to go around Cape Horn. Just when you thought our days could not get any better we see this today, wow. It is getting cold though, floating in about 4 degrees today and we did get some rain but hey we are seeing some amazing sights. Alice (assistant cruise director), join us for dinner tonight so great catch up conversation as we all know Alice from prior cruises.

Short commentary tonight, short sleep night last night after our rough sea night the night before and no real napping as there is just too much to see. No tour tomorrow in our last Chile port, Punta Arenas, will just get off and spend the day in town. Until then…

Our pics of the day, hope you enjoy…

Quote of the day: “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way” - Carl Sagan

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