Monday 16 September 2024

September 16, 2024 - At sea

Leaving Dutch Harbour we enjoyed a wonderful 7 days at sea, we love sea days. Not only that but we were really able to catch up on our sleep. Each night our clocks went back an hour except one night when our clocks were not only set back two hour but sprang ahead 24 hours - we went from Thursday the 12th straight to Saturday the 14th, no Friday the 13th for us. Let’s also say that my internal clock is a complete mess when it comes to trying to relate to Vancouver time. I’ll have to google it, lol.

So there were a few parties over the many sea days, a masquerade and an Orange Party (a Dutch Orange Party), we also enjoyed another massage, ah bliss, as well as took in several lectures, shows, performances etc.. We had a couple of days of rough seas but not too bad, so that was good for many of the passengers and crew. Last night, the 16th we enjoyed our first visit to the specialty restaurant, The Pinnacle Grill - excellent as usual. Yes, they did change the menu a bit but on the plus side offered a local Asian side of the menu. 

We are now in Japan, hooray. This means that I was finally able to re-authenticate my blogspot app. I was hoping to be able to do this in Dutch Harbour but we did not have a cell signal there which is what I needed. This is why I was able to load up all my draft posts I created since Huddard Glacier. So we welcome you back or welcome you as a reader of our travels through this blog. Thank you for your patience since our last post some time ago while we were on our trailer travels. I have posted some catch up updates included in this most recent block of upload posts. Now that all the technical difficulties have been sorted we will posting more regularly while on this “Legendary”, Japanese Voyage.

Some pics of our Bering Strait crossing over to Japan, hope you enjoy…

The Classical Trio on board.

Hello Mitch.

We found a duck.

Hello to Daz, executive chef 

A hiding spot in the Library, he was found two days later.

MaƮtre de Bagus..

Orange party time.

A Jazz Trio on board.

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