Tuesday 17 September 2024

September 17, 2024 - Kushiro, Japan

Our port description, copy and paste states. Don’t come to Kushiro expecting blue skies and a blazing sun. This town of roughly 200,000 people in southeast Hokkaido is known instead for its misty appeal, often shrouded in a fog that adds to the port’s atmosphere. But the natural and cultural attractions that await nearby are brilliant in any weather. Japan’s largest undeveloped wetlands—Kushiro Shitsugen National Park—sprawl across some 270 square kilometers (104 square miles) just north of town. This is the place to see the revered Japanese crane, also known as the red-crowned crane. Options for visiting the park include canoe tours through the marshlands or visits to the accessible boardwalk trails at the official visitor center.

The Kushiro area is home to another natural wonder farther north at Akan National Park, where you can admire volcanoes and pristine crater lakes and dip into one of the area’s onsen, or natural hot springs. Hokkaido’s most beautiful lake, Lake Mashu—reputedly the clearest lake in the world—will make your head spin with its pure beauty. There are sulfur-spewing volcanoes to visit here as well. When you’re back in town in Kushiro, don’t miss a visit to the Washo market for fresh sushi and sashimi or the fisherman’s wharf for some souvenir shopping. End quote.

We visited here ten years ago and once again did a far and afield tour, which was fantastic, today we stayed in the main town area. The immigration process this morning was a bit of a gong show. Every guest had to go through a face to passport check which included finger prints and face photo. Now this would have been fine except the officials experienced wifi connection issues which delayed the process for about an hour. So should you wish to book a private tour here, this could have an impact on your timing. We had nothing planned which was good as it was after 11:30 before we had the all clear to leave the ship. This did not give us a whole lot of time in this port but we made due with the time we had.

The included shuttle bus took us to the MOO market - a central market downtown. This market had many shops over three floors, mainly a fish market but also several restaurants and other shops. We spent a bit of time here before walking the about 6 blocks over to the mentioned Washo market. This was much more of a fish market with restaurants where you choose what you like and they cook it for you or in many cases create the sushi for you. Jan enjoyed some sushi while I had a ramen noodle dish, all very fresh and delicious. This basically took up our time here as we made it just in time to catch the last shuttle back to the ship. We had a nice sail away with a magnificent sunset and look forward to our second port tomorrow, Hakodate.

Some pics of our day, hope you enjoy…

The MOO Market

The second floor had some cultural performances.

Jan found a jacket that she fell in love with.

The Washo market.


King crab anyone?