Saturday 30 March 2019

March 25, 2019: Disembarkation Day

Eighty days later and we are forever changed, this journey and adventure around South America and Antartica was indeed a life changer. From the beautiful things we have seen to the incredible people we have met and with all this aboard the final Grand Voyage of the ms Prinsendam. We are left breathless with the grand beauty of the Antarctic and the amazing lives that are led by the Amazonian people as well as all points in-between. The apex of highlights was the rare opportunity to visit South Georgia Island. The beautiful sunny day we had there was also rare and to be able to walk amongst the Seal, Seal Lions, Elephant Seals, and Penguins was off the wow scale. We were very fortunate to be able to travel for this amount of time, given our past situations, so we feel doubly if not triply blessed. This posting is the first of two wrap ups, the second will be a posting of our favourite pictures. This may take a bit to get to, so stayed tuned, have to sort through a few things at this time - welcome home. 

The pics I am including in this post are from the ship and the many places we spent much of our time. We bid farewell to ms Prinsendam… Hope you enjoy…

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