Wednesday 13 February 2019

February 13, 2019: At Sea

As much as I could say that this was usual, wash, rinse and repeat sea day, is nothing like that. Yes, Tai Chi in the morning and lectures etc. but today was final lectures from the Expedition Team and musical events from the artists on board from the past few weeks - today was a bit emotional. We have all spent this incredible time and experience in the Antarctic and have our shared stories, now many of our guides are leaving and with that we turn the page as the weather is warming up and we move onto our next portion of this incredible journey. Today the entire Expedition Team along with the Ice Pilot, presented a Q&A hour. Then this afternoon we had a special concert from an amazing violinist, Jakub Trasak, by special request from just about all the guests. Tonight we had a solo guitarist, Mark Hussey, play and then during Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah  the entire entertainment team (guest performers) from the past few weeks all came out - Very special. 

We did have a table host tonight for tonight’s formal night, Tom the manager of the jewellery shop on board, a very interesting gentleman. He not only bought all our drinks but did give us all a shop gift as well as temp us with a pink and yellow diamond ring that we could purchase for our respective wives. Sorry no pictures of Jan and Marianne trying on this amazingly beautiful ring valued at a mere $100,000 USD. It was indeed beautiful but that would be our travel budget blown for next few years - yes, I know its Valentines, what a sneaky guy Tom is, lol.

So yeah, not your usual sea day, another new port fo us tomorrow, Puerto Madryn, Argentina, looking forward to an easy port day. So you know all those pillow gift that we are given on formal nights, well tonight we were all given vey nice carry on suitcases to carry all this new stuff in, now isn’t that thoughtful…

A few pics of our day, hope you enjoy…

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